Hmmm so on Monday I gave myself a stern talking to which was unneccessary because I had a training session with the Beastmaster Mark Durnford and so had no choice but to drag myself out of bed, stick some trainers on and go out into the rain. Note to self - don't tell your personal trainer that you're writing a blog as he will attempt to kill you to ensure you write nice things about him! Those bloody steps.....that's all I'm going to say about that, and then that bloody hill....ditto, then the TRX in the mud and more hill..... all in the rain.
Mark has kindly(?) offered to take pictures of me working out for the blog but I'm not sure my loyal readers are ready for the vision of loveliness I am, all sweaty in lycra! (Although that might be an exaggeration as I'm pretty sure my readers can be counted on the fingers of one hand- Hi Mum!)
So after the monumental beasting I have to admit I was feeling in need of a little lie down, and somewhere to throw up. I was also feeling distinctly bambi-legged and struggling to walk.
One of the things Piers, the natural running coach pointed out to me was that I had limited hip and ankle mobility and that was probably contributing to my regular achilles tendon complaint. He suggested I mobilise three times a day! So while I was immobilised I checked through mobility wod for some ideas. MWOD has introduced me to the pain ball (which is a rubber doggy chewball from Wilkinsons), the wine bottle (not for anaesthetic purposes), and voodo flossing! I am now in possession of my own theraband for compression tack and flossing - you wrap it really, really, really tightly around the joint and then mobilise. It works by releasing the fibres but also by forcing blood into the area to aid healing. Weirdly after three sessions with the floss (very short ones because it bloody hurts!) on Tuesday I can finally walk although I did eschew my Moti run (yeah yeah I know excuses......).