Pyramids!! Not the ones in Egypt I hasten to add. I haven't seen the ones built by the pharoahs although I have sat beneath a crystal one to have my chakras balanced (don't ask!). However I can definitely say that pyramids in the swimming pool are to be avoided at all costs (especially if you swim as if you are towing a brick - or possibly a wall in my case). It was pointed out at 8am this morning that I hadn't written anything for about a month and to be fair this isn't a reflection of my training history. I have been working like a demon (mainly to avoid eyebrow raising from chief
nagger encourager Hugh, who is OC the Masters Team for the Raise the Bar competition in Cardiff next month.
After the wall ball epic that is Karen last week I was
traumatised delighted that the WOD the next day was 5 sets of 5 pull ups followed by a 100 20kg
sumo deadlift high pull ups interspersed with 3 ring dips every minute until all the sumos had been completed. That was fun!
March has had some fairly horrendous workouts starting with a team WOD involving 6 minutes of rowing, thrusters, running, dumbbell snatches and situps- luckily I had the lovely Nina as my team and she's a ninja runner, while I run like I swim (see above).
The next
killer little bundle of joy was 5 rounds of 3
overhead squats with 20kg interspersed with 3,6,9,12 and then 15
lateral crawls. Lateral crawls are my new least favourite exercise in the whole world (and there is quite a long list to choose from) . They involve you lying on the floor (that was the only bit I liked) and then pushing up into a press up and scuttling sideways like an asthmatic crab for about a metre and then doing another push up,
ad nauseum (literally!). Now I know that that doesn't sound a lot but you try doing12 of them especially after you've done 18 and 15 overhead squats! But of course that wasn't enough because this was followed immediately by 5 rounds of 4 alternating
split jerks with 25kg interspersed with 4,8,12,16 and then 20 squat bar jumps - ooosh! Cue Bridge lying on the ground at the end attempting to breathe through every orifice.
Pistol squats seem to have featured frequently (or maybe I just notice them because they hurt so much) but I have been able to lower the box I've been using to aid me - 15 inches and counting. I've even had a go at
skinning the cat - this is not a euphemism! It's a sort of somersault while holding on to gymnastic rings - I can't do it - that is all!
I have been
daft unfortunate enough to schedule my visits to the box to coincide with the London throwdown workouts (Wednesday) and the
Crossfit Games Open workouts (Fridays). 90 wallballs (my fave!), 70 kettlebell snatches, 50 over box jumps,
30 toes to bar (in my dreams), and 10
muscle ups (ditto). I needed to have a lie down after that one. It didn't get any better with the Open WOD - as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of 40 burpees
30 snatches (15kg) 30 burpees 30 snatches 20kg, 17 burpees (that's how far I got). Burpees have moved quite a way down the list of my least favourite exercises and I was pretty surprised that I seem to have got the hang of them (although that is relative - having watched
Annie Thorisdottir doing the workout on you tube I realise that I burpee like an epileptic grasshopper, except with less of a jump)
Now you might be forgiven in thinking that after all those epic workouts that I would be safe in assuming that Saturday would be a reasonably easy option - big mistake...huge! Murph, one of the hero WODs (named after soldiers who have died in Afghanistan) holy mother of God! 1 mile run 100 pull ups 200 push ups 300 squats 1 mile run - I nearly turned round and went home. I was allowed to do 3/4 of the exercises and used a massive band for the pullups, did the push ups on my knees and found out I can't do basic mental arithmetic when I'm blowing out my a** so I ended up doing 250 squats. I have to confess I walked quite a lot during the run (especially the uphill bits) and I was totally in awe of the guys who did it in a weight vest! I finished though and my time was under an hour, on the downside I looked like a tomato

I have been interspersing the crossfit with run/walking and swimming, which brings me back to the pyramid. I don't have an excuse about getting up before 7am anymore as it's starting to get light,
so I started another 6 week session of swimfit. I groaned inwardly as I slid out of bed and propelled my body in a somnambulent walk towards the pool. Mark greeted us with a cheery smile (it's an evil facade I swear!) and after a warm up that was more than enough swimming for me - set us off on a sprint pyramid- 2,4,6,8,6,4,2 twice. All I can say is that while I may be the slowest swimmer, by far, in the group - I am consistent...I'm always last-but I do manage to swim each of the steps of the pyramid in pretty much the same time, I swim 4 lengths in the same time regardless whether it is the first or last leg. Spent the rest of the day unable to hear anything because I had water stuck in my ear - it does mean people tend to avoid me as I walk around with my head on one side, shaking it and grumbling to myself.