30 June 2012
Excuses are my forte - I have withdrawn from the Bristol tri due to a mixture of a failure to do sufficient training and an injury that stopped me cramming in last minute training to make up for it! I have rescheduled for 2 September (not in Bristol obviously - I know I'm a legend in my own mind but I have had to face up to the fact that my place in the grand scheme of things is a fairly minor one and so they weren't going to reschedule it for me so the new tri is in a lake near Cirencester). As the physio is helping massively I have been to a spin class, been to a yoga class (bloody hell that hurt!), been for a run/walk (now that I am being re-taught how to move properly) and had two sessions with Mark.
Session1 - when I am still feeling a bit wobbly on the legs - focussed solely on the upper body and abs- the bloody TRX -I almost volunteered to just run until my legs fell off rather than do any more. My arms were still shaking 3 hours after the session and the next day my abs hurt everytime I breathed. I told myself that no matter what my leg was doing that I'd tell Mark it was better, simply to avoid a repeat of that session - luckily John Stephenson is working marvels with the various crunching that he does. Session 2 was horrific but in a normal way - back to cycle sprints - oh how I'd missed them - no really - well OK not at all - how to get me into a hot sweaty mess (and not in a good way) in 1 minute. Wobbly legs on to lungy things, squatty things, squatty jumpy things, TRX press ups and rows and roll outs culminating in some obscene torture involving a dragging a ViPR along the ground while you are doing the plank and scuttling sideways like a demented crab - except this crab was swearing A LOT!
Since then I have got my bike out of chambers' basement where it has languished for 2 years! Got it serviced and the chain replaced and .............steadfastly not ridden it - seriously I've had it working for a week and everytime I plan to go out on it I have found an excuse (which has usually involved me lying down for a bit and waking up a couple of hours later) and it is just sitting in my room looking mournfully at me. I don't know what I am so afraid of or what I think is going to happen if I get on it - obviously I am going to walk it down Park Street (very big hill for those people who don't know Bristol) because I'm just not that brave yet (and I haven't actually tested my brakes and I probably wouldn't have any left by the time I got to the bottom as I'd have had them engaged the whole time because I'm scared of going fast) see what I mean about excuses - but that's it - the end - I am going to get a grip of myself and head out tomorrow on the Bristol Bath bike path - 30 minutes out 30 minutes back and then I'm getting on a train to Portsmouth to go sailing.
PS Managed to extend my apathy attack and stayed in bed instead of the bike ride doh!
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