Ooof it's been a long, long, long, long (ok you get the drift) time since my last post which probably gives you a good idea as to how good I've been *ashamed face*. In my defence I haven't spent the whole time lying on the sofa living on wine, curry and after eights. Cowes week was awesome and I ate healthier food, didn't drink myself senseless EVERY night and I even went for a run (albeit to the pub for lunch!). Was ever so dissapointed to find that I had still managed to put on 5lbs*urgh* which weirdly disappeared a week later!??? I headed back with my tail between my legs to
crossfit and of course ended up unable to walk after a week of glute recruitment - kettlebells, deadlifts, squats, lunges boom! I love the feeling of crossfit but only immediately after the session - I do struggle to drag myself up the Gloucester Road especially when I have to cycle. Me, bikes and traffic don't get on - by the time I get to the session my heart is beating so fast I'm almost ready to pass. So when I have been unable to face the trek to crossfit I brought the beast back to the gym

The beast is the workout from hell - a form of interval training that leaves me crying on the floor and other gym members slightly bemused. The theory is 6 x 800m runs interspersed with alternate upper body, lower body exercises to failure. The interval exercises range from pulls ups/dips, press ups/sit ups, kettlebell russian swings, jump squats/walking lunges, olympic squats/ power lunges, deadlifts. I haven't managed 6 sets yet........
I have also been really, really, really, really (you get the picture) good at working on my achilles - thanks to
Mobility WOD for their "rebuilding the feet" videos. I have been doing the exercises religiously (well nearly!) and so lots and lots and lots of skipping and standing on tiptoes. As I was really not in the mood to run on my last beast session I decided to insert skipping instead of running and after several hundred skips I even managed to do finally crack
double unders (not sure why he's wearing the weird arm sock things.....) without trashing my achilles ie: I could still walk the next day!
Finally my top tip for getting out and doing some exercise - go and find something silly to do with a mate that involves running around. My mate Murray found
2.8hours later which involved orienteering around Bristol trying to escape from zombie hordes. Cue an evening of wandering around abandoned buildings, police cells, churches and church yards; running, sprinting, screaming, jumping over walls and ultimately being caught and infected by the zombies so that we could attend the zombie disco
Followed by a hilarious trip back home on the one wanted to sit next to me! Can't think why...