(I blimmin' hate going but I love it afterwards) and I say this as I write with a cut face, scraped palms, bruised right hip and scraped and bruised knees. I had been feeling a little smug this week having achieved double unders and working hard on my pull ups and dips so wasn't feeling too bad about a WOD that was AMRAP 12 minutes 8 ring dips, 8 pull ups, 16 alternate lunges with (5kg) but did groan a bit at the 1km run to start (especially as the first bit is up hill (ish) ). I stopped worrying about it when Charlie announced his warm up (our warm up is your workout.....) 30 forward bendy, hamstring exercisey things with a barbell, then 21,15 and 9 16kg american kettlebell swings/burpees and then 30 forward bendy etc...etc.. THEN the 1km run. Now those who know me will know that I'm
RUBBISH challenged at running but with all my achilles work I was hoping to get a PB of under 6mins. It was not to be...... As I came down the hill I tripped over my feet and face/body planted into the concrete, narrowly avoiding squashing a small dog. I managed to get up and finish the run 10 seconds over my PB grrrr. Luckily the WOD involved the use of my palms and knees yaaay and my knees got steadily more painful throughout, but while trying to ignore the pain I did notice that the pullup and dip training in the gym has paid off and I will have to go down a band on both exercises.
real problem was that I couldn't be too wimpy as one of the girls taking part is about to give birth!!! You heard me, I hadn't noticed she was pregnant when she had her jacket on but as we were about to start I did wonder why she had shoved a medicine ball up her top. Luckily I noticed her bump was real BEFORE I joked about the medicine ball! She understandably didn't do the run but did everything else despite being due in 1 week - I am sooooooo humbled.
I have been in the wars all week, as I have been continuing my BEAST sessions at the gym - I was fed up with the runninng intervals on Thursday and so decided to skip for 3 minutes instead and then do 10 double unders before starting on each set of exercises. Skipping is fine but a double under fail results in a sharp and painful whip strike to the arm - I got lots of those and realised that I now look as if I have spent some time with Mr Grey....right upper arm is covered in whip welts.
Not sure the skipping excuse is going to be believed so I shall be mostly wearing long sleeved tops for the foreseeable future. I finally understand why the crossfit guys wear the silly arm sock thingys.
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