Saturday, 13 October 2012

desperate measures....becoming a cavewoman

So I've managed to shift a bit of lard but not nearly enough - still got a stone to get back down to pre-whale weight and then it would be nice to shift another half a stone to get back to a size that can sizzle in "that" green dress.  I know that diet has more effect than exercise and I know that my diet is dirty. 

 All the fitties go on about eating clean and I just don't.   The crossfit gang all bang on about paleo and I have to admit to being pretty cynical about these fad diets (or lifestyles as this one prefers to dub itself) but as the crossfit avon box is starting a 6 week paleo challenge on Sunday I thought I might indulge in desperate measures.

For those who don't know the paleo lifestyle involves eating like paleolithic man (or woman) ie: before agriculture so no dairy or grains including pulses (or chocolate or booze more's the pity!).
 On the face of it it has to be the most miserable diet on the planet, but I've been reading some interesting stuff about insulin and carbohydrates and I know that low GI is the way ahead, but being an all or nothing girl I thought that 6 weeks wouldn't kill me and it might at least break my sugar addiction.  So bring on the meat, fish, eggs, veg and sweet potato.
I'm most worried about brekkie but as I love bacon and eggs I guess I just have to learn to live without the bagel or the muffin or simply to embrace avocado and berries in the morning

I may cheat and go with dairy if it all gets too dreadful as some of the paleo sites seem to allow it but for now I've cleared out the fridge and the freezer of all most banned items and stocked up at holland and barrett with coconut flour and almond milk and butter.  I spent last night trawling the amazon kindle website for paleo cookbooks and I've got the 6 weeks in the smartphone so I can at least count down the days until I can eat rice again.
It's funny how the moment you think you can't have something you start to crave it almost immediately!  I'm feeling very deprived that I can't have roast potatoes on Sunday when in reality I can't remember the last time I had a roast dinner.
 At least I've discovered a fab raw fruit and nut bar called naked (so I'd have to buy it even if it wasn't good for me ;-) ) which is dairy, wheat and gluten free, there's even a chocolate (well cocoa) flavour one which I trialled today and it's yummy.  Obviously I can't live on them but as it's just dates, cashews and raisins I think I can allow them as snack/treats occasionally and they don't taste like cardboard so it's win/win!  Hurrah!
 And today as it's my last day as a modern woman I am looking forward to a pieminster pie for tea!

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