Tuesday, 16 October 2012

got my measure!

I dreamt about roast chicken last night - with crispy spicy skin, mmmm....Sorry I'm not going to go all Freudian on you (and I expect my ruder friends are spitting out their coffee at this moment!)  I have weighed and measured myself so I can see whether the change in lifestyle is making any difference (I've drawn the line at photos to avoid sending small children screaming from the room).
I had a lovely breakfast of bacon and poached eggs with asparagus and courgette fritters and then had a look for recipes for mayo and hollandaise sauce as I'm pretty sure they must be paleo.

For those who fancy learning a bit about paleo, here are some videos by the lovely Andrew from Crossfit Avon, explaining the basis of the lifestyle.
I scampered down to crossfit armed with lots of water and a naked bar.  Andrew was on good form after his trip away to Barcelona and set us off warming up with kettlebells and a weird one legged deadlift which really targets your but (when you aren't wobbling or falling over.....it's all in the core).  Then we did some kipping practice - for those who aren't clear - kipping is a movement to generate momentum to help make pull ups easier (that's the theory but I just look like I'm having an epileptic fit).
Today's session wasn't helped by the fact that I was being a biff and almost managed to miss the bar when I went to do pull ups and then did manage to get the band stuck between my legs - so elegant and not altogether comfortable! ( I'm blaming the sugar DT's).  The trick requires a strong core so you get to work on the muffin top without even realising it.  I gave up with the band and just practiced swinging on the bar - I'll get it one day!
Then we practiced squat cleans, still got a problem with wrist stength and allowing the bar to rest on my shoulders (again rude friends watch out for coffee!), but was very much helped with the technique by Andrew's suggestion to imagine killing pixies with our elbows.......??!!!
Elizabeth is a WOD requiring 21,15,9 squat cleans and ring dips.  RX for women is 40kg - I managed 22.5 and boy that was hard, especially trying to get onto a band for the dips afterwards (more epileptic fitting!).  Finished in 10:58 and wanted to throw up. Of course, luckily, today was also the first day of the 8 week zero to hero running club at Moti run by the lovely Nina Killick so by the end of that session of high knees and heel flicks and sprints (sprint may be an overstatement as several small toddlers passed me) I was crawling on my knees and my arms, butt and abs were screaming. 
I had a naked bar after Crossfit and then a chicken breast and salad with avocado oil mid afternoon.  Dinner was the rest of the steak from yesterday and broccoli.

 I haven't learned to love broccoli so I made  bearnaise sauce to bring on the love and..... because I could. It was yummy and I have enough to go with asparagus and bacon and courgette fritters tomorrow - no eggs because I used the yolks for the bearnaise, although I could always try and make my first ever egg white omelette (very LA ;-) )

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