I'm amazingly thirsty considering the amount of water I've got down my neck in the last 48 hours while everyone around me has been drinking champagne and wine, but I'm hoping that is just my body's need to flush out fat or toxins or whatever it is and that when I step on the scales on Tuesday that I don't have to throw them out the window!
Had bacon, scrambled egg and broccoli for breakfast and a huge chicken and roasted artichoke and avocado salad for lunch. I have a recipe for moroccan stew to make up for this evening, which you can then cook with eggs to make a spicy breakfast like huevos rancheros - but I will have some of it tonight with steamed broccoli and asparagus and whatever meat I have in the freezer and then have it with eggs and bacon (or chorizo) tomorrow morning after cross fit and before I go apple rolling.
I am going to make some more courgette fritters to take with me sailing on sunday with some beef jerky and hard boiled eggs plus a small tub of almond butter to eat with an apple (hopefully a world champion apple) -well that's the plan - we'll see if it works out!
I have to admit that despite all my moaning I haven't been hungry yet, but I do feel lethargic (although that's actually nothing new!) I am desperately trying to get myself to the gym for a swim cos my ankle is killing me but I may just end up doing a session with the pain ball and try and do some mobility WOD stuff as I could do with working on my achilles, feet, and shoulders.
I was a little scared to weigh myself because if I hadn't lost weight I was really going to struggle to keep going with paleo, but I also needed a bit of encouragement to keep at it so I bit the bullet and stood on the scales of death. I have lost 2.75 lbs since Tuesday so less than a week. I haven't yet broken the 12 stone barrier but I am hoping that by next Saturday I will have done that. I guess I shall just have to take this a week at a time and see how I go until it becomes easier or more natural. At the moment I'm still gazing wistfully at every cake that I see and I nearly walked into a lampost as I rubbernecked a bottle of wine in a pub window yesterday (I'm just glad I don't have a telly so I'm not constantly bombarded with adverts for fast and sweet food). Hopefully I will get over this phase soon and I will be swooning over cavolo nero and tenderstem broccoli instead (sorry that was said with my tongue inserted so far into my cheek that I couldn't breathe!)
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