So day 1- and I woke up with a carb hangover after a mahoosive yorkshire pudding and beef sunday lunch and pizza for dinner. It's always difficult to eat healthily when you're away from home and travelling by train and unfortunately the paleo thing just adds another dimension of difficulty, but I had planned ahead and bought some chicken breasts and avocados - so until 5pm I consumed 2 chicken breasts and an avocado. While I like both those things I was feeling a bit sorry for myself by the time I got home so I cheated a bit and ate some little sweet chilli peppers stuffed with cheese that were in the fridge and a chocolate orange naked bar.
I have been doing a bit of research and found a website called paleo plan which has loads of paleo recipes and because I bought an industrial quantity of courgettes last week I decided on the paleo courgette fritter recipe using coconut flour instead of grain flour.
It's blindingly simple (might be mixing my metaphors a little there) grate 2 or3 courgettes, mix 1tbs coconut flour and 3 eggs into a batter and mix in the courgettes - fry blobs of the mixture in coconut oil to make fritters. They are truly yummy and I had mine with some steak and asparagus. It's important to sprinkle salt on the grated courgette and leave it in a sieve for about 20 minutes - then squeeze it to remove the excess water (you'll be surprised how much comes out) or you'll get soggy fritters. I always like a bit of spice so I added lots of pepper, some chilli flakes and some ground cumin ( you could add pretty much any herbs and spices - I reckon they would be nice with mint or chopped spring onions.) I am saving the rest for brekkie tomorrow with bacon and poached eggs. These are going to be a staple for the next couple of days but I'm pretty sure I'll get bored of them before the 6 weeks is up! So I shall have to keep experimenting so I don't fall off the wagon - luckily I have now downloaded the kindle books I bought so I shall have an interesting few days trawling through paleo recipes to find ones I like that don't involve cauliflower, beetroot or mushrooms :-)
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