Soooo the work managed to take my mind off my nerves about the Raising the Bar competition and I suddenly found myself cooking a paleo breakfast pie

We got marked up with our numbers and wandered nervously around checking out the opposition. I have to say I was ready to call for a stewards' inquiry into the age of some of the girls as I was hard pushed to believe some of them were over 40. I jealously watched the tiny pert bottoms and the six pack abs and wondered what the hell I was doing there, but then the boys started taking their tops off and all was well with the world :-D.
The first WOD was a clean ladder, girls first and the weights looked epic, the over 55s started and it was truly inspiring to see ladies in their 60s and 70s with the most amazing figures shifting weights that I couldn't manage (well actually that bit was a bit humiliating!). I managed 35kg which is fairly rubbish and was the joint lowest lifted in our age category although I managed to do more bar hops in the tie breaker so I didn't finish last. Some of the weights lifted were enormous and Cathie got a great personal best lift at 60kg. I just had to make a vow to work on my oly lifting technique.
WOD 2 (50kg deadlifts followed by burpee barbell hops)was horrific and left me gasping so badly that I thought I'd bruised my lungs - I couldn't stop wheezing for an hour. My thanks to Amelia who shouted at me so loudly to make me get over the bar exactly at the cut off point so I could earn another 2 minutes.
Then WOD 3 left me having to have a serious word with myself as my bottom lip started to wobble at the prospect of shoulders to overhead with a weight that I just couldn't lift, followed by box step ups with a 10kg plate. I hate being a hobbit - that box was soooooo high.
Luckily the lovely coach Caz gave me a pep talk and I pulled myself together and scaled the weight so I could complete the workout. Unsurprisingly I didn't make the semi-finals but I didn't finish last (read into that what you will!) and I got to watch some truly inspiring women (and men) workout for the rest of the day. I avoided semi-permanent disability by warming down on a bike and went home for a very warm shower and a very long sleep with the intention of doing loads more training and coming back next year.
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