Sunday, 3 February 2013


So I've been shamed into writing this blog - my lovely friend Tim Flower has pointed out that I haven't posted since November.  I've had loads of excuses....bucket loads, I'm the excuse expert :-D.  I'm all out of them now as the lovely Jo from the Parker Clinic has mended my back and stuck pins in my achilles, so not only am I back at crossfit avon but also back running.  To be honest it's run/walk and fairly basic stuff, but I've lasted 2 weeks and can still walk.  I love the get running app, a little personal trainer on my phone.  
As a result of Tim's gentle prodding I dusted off the psycho scales and closed my eyes - when I opened them I have to admit that I was gob-smacked to see that I hadn't accumulated any lard over Christmas, especially as I did no PE for 3 months.  I suppose that this is because I have managed to remain about 70% paleo (although I admit that I gorged on chocolate).  Hopefully with a little bit of a kick start on the paleo and the increase in sweating I will finally get back down to my default weight.

I have got the crossfit standards and so am hoping to get to level 2 in the next 6 months.  I managed to hold a handstand for 20 seconds and even managed to do a WOD upside down on a box scaling handstand pressups.  I have to admit that my aim to be able to do pullups has caused the most pain.  I am spending a lot of time hanging from the bars, swinging so that I can evetually do a kipping pullup, but that does have a tendency to result in an inability to lift my arms above horizontal.  My happiest moment, however, has been to be able to do 15 box jumps on a 15" box and alternate double unders without my achilles snapping.  I have even managed to achieve a PB of 20" box (which may not seem much but for me it's an achievement).  Have a bit of a girl crush on the bear complex.

I may have got a little over excited with my new physical ability as I have signed up for a crossfit competition in April - it's for old people (known as Masters in crossfit speak).  So now I have an incentive to go to crossfit 3 times a week and keep up with my running programme so that I can run 30 minutes non-stop by April.  If you fancy a laugh at the sight of an exhausted, slightly fat chick, lift weights and do burpees then head to Dragon Crossfit on 13th April (as an incentive to my female friends; I a reliably informed that the male athletes workout with their tops off ;-) )

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