Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Box life

Sooo now the excitement of the Tribal Clash is over I am trying to quash the apathy attacks and the sugar demon and get back to my cavegirl lifestyle.  I have a little time before I'm back on whole30 but I don't want to blow it and I have been kicking the arse out of my dirty chocolate habit recently.  Luckily cavolo nero is back in the shops and as the weather has got a little chillier I have been able to indulge my meatball fetish (amazing with some smoked paprika and ground cumin).

 Despite being on remedials with my shoulder impingement and being told to properly ease off so I can relearn how to recruit my shoulder muscles I have had to knuckle down and stop avoiding the box.  I have no excuse as the coaches are more than happy to come up with new and fiendish alternatives to any of the exercises in the WODs that are not shoulder friendly so I can still stagger out of the box feeling as if I've been hit by a truck.

And that is how I was introduced to Santora; 3 sets of  5 x 1minute workouts with a minute to rest in between each set.  Even with my bespoke workout I still thought I might throw up at the end.  1 minute air squats, 1 minute shuttle runs, 1 minute deadlifts (60kg), 1 minute box jumps, 1 minute toes to wall (abs) - bleurgh - I was struggling to walk/move the next day.  Trying to run after a minute of airsquats is a bit like trying to run after you've spun around a broomstick 20 times - your legs just won't go in the same direction!
I took a few days off with another apathy attack and then headed to the open session on Sunday for some double under practice and a 20 minute deadlift and toes to wall WOD.  My achilles have been on fire ever since but I have had a little spark of fitness impetus and so have dragged (literally) my sorry ass to the box for more punishment this week while keeping the weight low and concentrating on my technique so I don't irritate the grumpy shoulder.  One day I'm sure I'll find it less difficult to motivate myself, and the apathy attacks will diminish.  Until then I shall just have to rely on peer pressure and the odd moments of self-loathing to keep me going.  At least I have cavolo nero and meatballs (and the odd compliment on my weight loss) to keep my spirits up.

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