50 40 30 20 10 russian swings and press ups. I did some light and low back squat strength work first and then went light (12kg) with the swings and did the press ups off a (very tall) box to avoid the crappy form you get when you do them on your knees (thanks James for that one! I think...) It was horrible. I really didn't think your boobs could hurt after a workout but they did (and still do!). However I remind myself that pressups make your boobs perky and now I can even make them jiggle if I tense my muscles (not sure exactly which muscles I've been tensing because to be honest I was trying to locate my lats and found my boobs doing a little dance).

My triceps are producing some exquisite agony too, which is proving embarrassing when I'm in public as I emit pathetic little pain noises every time I move my arms. The answer to that was obviously to
He did look askance at me as I trundled to the rig with the two thickest bands that there were and then found that I almost catapulted myself out of the door using them. I worked back down to a green which is where I was before my shoulder decided to take a sabbatical, so I did a little dance in my head (mainly because the rest of my body hurts too much to actually do a dance, little or otherwise). Then we went for the WOD and I did my turkish getups with a shoe (yes you read that right!) because doing them with a shoe balanced on your palm is perfect rehab for a dodgy shoulder (thanks again James) (I did the other arm with 8kg, which is marginally pathetic, but I have a little bit of fear (not wholly irrational) about dropping a 12kg kettlebell on my head!
By this time I really was hurting....EVERYWHERE, but as I'd managed 3 sessions I thought I'd go for a record (for me) of 4 sessions in a week and as it was Friday 13th it would have been cowardly/superstitious to back out - bl&%dy hell I wish I had. 30 burpees, 40 wall balls, 50 double unders FOUR TIMEs, even reading it is horrific. I negotiated 150 skips instead of double unders as I'm still hobbling after Sunday's attempt at mastering them and used a pitiful 3kg wall ball to the 9m mark (because I'm a hobbit!) Even so it was truly revolting.
I got to three rounds with 5 minutes to go on the 30 minute cut off time so I had to start (and unfortunately finish) the 4th round and every single burpee made me want to vomit. At least I have learnt a couple of things - I should be putting flat palms rather than fingertip spider hands on the ground when I burpee (that might explain some of my shoulder problems!) and I think I might have found my wall ball technique (but don't tell anyone as I might have to start increasing the ball weight if they find out). A strange bloke from the surrounding garages/workshops gave me a high five salute as I walked out of the box drenched in sweat and glowing like a tomato - I guess he must be impressed that a fat bird can do burpees ;-)
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